Dermabrasion (Diamond & Crystal)


Usage Professional

Product Description


Applications of Microdermabrasion machine


  • 1- Sun-damaged skin
  • 2- Fine lines and wrinkles
  • 3- Skin break out scars and other forms of scars
  • 4- Blackheads and whiteheads
  • 5- Pigmentation
  • 6- Post-traumatic pigmentation
  • 7- Peeling
  • 8- Uneven skin tone
  • 9- Stretch mark

General introduction:

The plastic surgeon uses a device like a fine sandblaster to splash air together with the diamond tips across the face, mixing gentle scraped spot with suction to eliminate the dead, outer layer of skin. As with other skin revival techniques, more than one treatment may be needed to lessen or remove fine wrinkles and undesirable pigmentation. It stimulates the production of skin cells and collagen, thus it is viable in reducing age spots and acne scars. It has proven to be a very popular non-surgical skin restoration device.



1. Crystal dermabrasion crystals Crystal Microdermabrasion: is a strategy that uses fine crystals and a controlled vacuum to
exfoliate the skin. After the treatment, the skin has gotten to the next level texture and softness, as
well as fewer defects such as wrinkles and acne scars. The skin is washed to eliminate excess oil and dirt. Then, a stream of aluminum oxide crystals is designated over the area. The crystals abrade away old, dead skin cells, which the vacuum then picks up with delicate suction. This promotes the growth of collagen and new, restored skin. Creams and sunblock are then applied to the treated area.
2.Diamond dermabrasion The diamond microdermabrasion (crystal-free) system replaces the micro-crystal stream with a
diamond tip wand. Areas closer to the eyes and mouth can be abraded more precisely with
diamond abrasion – no risk of stray crystals. Provides a Non-Surgical skin reemerging procedure by using sterile diamond heads to peel and rub off the dead cells at the top skin layer followed by vacuuming/suction eliminating particles along with any dirt and dead skin. This method removes skin debris, scars, blemishes, wrinkles, and lopsided pigmentation of the skin. Moderate usage of diamond dermabrasion accompanied with skin products that infiltrate through the top skin layer and reach the dermis level help to replenish natural nutrients and restore cell activity promoting healthy skin.
3.Auto Clean Automatically vacuum to prevent clogging


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